Is the Lottery an Appropriate Function for Government?

The lottery is a type of gambling whereby numbers are drawn to determine winners. It has a long history and is used for charitable and public works purposes. It has been criticized for being addictive and its regressive effect on lower-income groups. Despite these criticisms, lottery revenue is generally increasing. To sustain these revenues, lotteries are constantly introducing new games and aggressively marketing them. This has raised questions about whether promoting gambling is an appropriate function for government.

Historically, state governments ran lotteries to raise money for projects like schools, roads and colleges. These were the immediate post-World War II days when states could expand their social safety nets without imposing onerous taxes on middle class and working people. Now, with the state budget deficit growing and social-safety nets shrinking, the question is whether lotteries make sense as a way to pay for them.

In the past, lotteries were simple affairs, with applicants purchasing tickets for a drawing that would be held at some future date weeks or months away. Since the 1970s, innovations have changed the nature of lottery offerings. Many of these involve instant-win scratch-off games and daily games where players pick three or four numbers. In addition, some lotteries have lowered prize amounts and increased odds.

Regardless of the game or prize, it is important to choose your numbers wisely. Harvard statistics professor Mark Glickman suggests that you stick with a ratio of three evens to two odd numbers. He also recommends that you avoid numbers that are significant to you, such as your birthday or the ages of your children.

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Cape Town, South Africa